Gift A Little Teacup DIY Love
The best gifts are the ones that show the tender loving care that went into them, so what better way to infuse that TLC into your gift giving this season than with some DIY ones? We’ve recently taken to incorporating vintage teacups into our holiday crafting. They’re pretty, whimsical, and who knew so versatile! These five teacup ideas would make great hostess gifts for all those holiday dinner parties that will be coming up very, very soon.

[ SUCCULENT PLANTERS ] Have no fear, those of you with brown thumbs! These succulent planters are simple to put together, and lucky for the receiver of this gift, easy-peasy to maintain. They are perfect for including some green into the home during the long winter months.

[ PINCUSHIONS ] So we may not all pride ourselves on being a seamstress (Hello, high school home-ec!), but every girl (and boy) needs to keep a sewing kit handy for that loose button or dropped hem. With a pincushion this cute, it might just have us motivated enough to get going on all those small mending projects that have been piling up. Include a pretty pair of scissors or some pins in your gift set.

[ BIRD FEEDER ] Forget the cut-out milk container project that you did way back in elementary school. These bird feeders are a whole different breed of pretty and you’ll want these perched out on your patio all day long. Include a small bag of bird seeds and a note like this for gifting.

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