Stocking Stuffers: The Real Deal

Sure, some people may consider the latest smart phone a “stocking stuffer” due to its ability to fit inside a stocking, but hey, let’s be real: This girl’s got a budget.  So we’ve come up with a list of real holiday stocking stuffers that are $15 and under.  We think these items will leave you, your giftees, and your pocketbook, impressed.

 Stocking Stuffers

1.Travel Bags/ 2. Get Glossy/ 3. Socks/ 4. Blush Drops/ 5. Hat/ 6. Fill ‘er Up/  7. Tame Those Tresses/ 8. Gem Studs/ 9. Indulge/ 10. Hand Warmers/ 11. Pretty Pendent/ 12. Hair Ties/ 13. Head Band/ 14. Mitts




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